Table of contents


Provides methods that allows manipulate with Blocks

clear — removes all Blocks and creates new empty initial type Block

render — render with new content data

delete — removes Block by index

swap — deprecated swaps two Blocks with passed indexes

move — move a block from position to another

getById — returns Block API for Block instance by Block Id

getBlockByIndex — returns Block API for Block instance by index

getCurrentBlockIndex — returns focused Block index

getBlocksCount — returns number of rendered Blocks

stretchBlock — stretch Block's content

insert — inserts new Block

update — updates Block data by its id

composeBlockData — Creates data of an empty block with a passed type

getBlockByElement — Returns Block API object by any child html element

Clears Editor's content. Method removes all Blocks and inserts new initial empty Block

This method has no arguments

Method does not return anything

clear(): void
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } myMethod() { this.api.blocks.clear(); // remove all Blocks } // ... other methods }
Method has a shorthand

Method removes all Blocks and fills with new passed JSON data

OutputData Data that have the same format as output data of Editor.js
Promise<void> Returns nothing but allows to continue sequence
render(data: OutputData): Promise<void>
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } refreshContent() { this.api.blocks.render({ blocks: [ { type: "image", data: { url: "" } }, { type: "header", data: { text: "New header", level: 2 } } ] }); } // ... other methods }
Method has a shorthand

Method removes Block with index. If index is not passed, current Block will be removed

Number index of Block that needs to be deleted

Method does not return anything

delete(index?: number): void

Note that Blocks below will be shifted up

class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } deleteSomeBlock() { this.api.blocks.delete(2); // delete 3rd Block } // ... other methods }
Please use move instead

Method swaps two Blocks

Number First Block index
Number Second Block index

Method does not return anything

swap(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): void
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } changeBlockPositions() { this.api.blocks.swap(1, 2); // swap 1 and 2 Blocks } // ... other methods }

The method moves block from the passed index to another one. 

The first argument is the toIndex, and the second is from
Number Destination index
Number Index of Block to move. By default, it's the index of the current block.

Method does not return anything

move(toIndex: number, fromIndex?: number): void
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } moveBlockToTop() { this.api.blocks.move(0); // move current Block to the fisrt place } // ... other methods }

Returns BlockAPI object by Block id

String Id of Block that will be returned
BlockAPI Block API object for Block instance
getById(id: string): BlockAPI
const editor = new EditorJS({ // ... configuration }) editor.blocks.getById('1sYMhUrznu'); // get Block with id "1sYMhUrznu"

Method returns Block HTML content by index

Number Index of Block that will be returned
BlockAPI Block API object for Block instance
getBlockByIndex(index: number): BlockAPI
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } myMethod() { this.api.blocks.getBlockByIndex(1); // get first Block contents } // ... other methods }

Method returns index of current Block

This method has no arguments

Number Index of currently focused Block
getCurrentBlockIndex(): number
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } isFirstBlock() { return this.api.blocks.getCurrentBlockIndex() === 0; } // ... other methods }

Method returns number of Blocks

This method has no arguments

Number Count of rendered Blocks
getBlocksCount(): number
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } isLastBlock() { return this.api.blocks.getCurrentBlockIndex() === this.api.blocks.getBlocksCount() - 1; } // ... other methods }

Method allow Plugins to use 100% space of Block content. For example, to stretch images

Number index of Block that will be full-width
Boolean state of stretching
stretchBlock(index: number, status: boolean = true): void
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } stretchMyImage() { this.api.blocks.stretchBlock(1, true); } // ... other methods }

Method inserts new Block with pasted type and data.

String New Block type 
Object New Block data
Object Config for new Block's Tool
Number Position for block. By default, it will inserted after current Block
Boolean Need to set focus or not.

Method does not return anything

insert(type?: string, data?: BlockToolData, config?: ToolConfig, index?: number, needToFocus?: boolean): void

Method inserts new Block after focused Block and sets new focus

This method will be removed with next major release. Use insert() instead

This method has no arguments

Method does not return anything

insertNewBlock(): void
class MyTool { constructor({data, api}){ this.api = api; // ... } myMethod() { this.api.blocks.insertNewBlock(); } // ... other methods }

Method updates a Block data by its id

String Id of the Block to update
Object The new data for a Block

Method does not return anything

update(id?: string, data?: BlockToolData): void

The method creates data of an empty block with a passed type.

String Block Tool name
Promise<BlockToolData> Object with Tool output data
composeBlockData(toolName: string): Promise<BlockToolData>
/** * Merge real tool's data with data overrides */ const toolName = 'myTool'; const defaultBlockData = await this.api.blocks.composeBlockData(toolName); const blockDataOverrides = {someProp: 'someValue'}; const blockData = Object.assign(defaultBlockData, blockDataOverrides); const newBlock = this.api.blocks.insert( toolName, blockData, undefined, index, undefined, false, );

Returns Block API object by any child html element. 

HTMLElement html element
BlockAPI API of the block associated with specified  HTML element