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Fill Block with saved data

In the previous guide, we have learned how to create a basic Tool class with minimal required methods. In this part, we consider how to render previously saved data.

When user will edit previously saved article, Editor will get saved data by the data property. Then the Editor will render Blocks one-by-one and pass them their data.

Let's add a saved data we got in the previous part to initialization at the example.html:

<script> const editor = new EditorJS({ autofocus: true, tools: { image: SimpleImage }, data: { time: 1552744582955, blocks: [ { type: "image", data: { url: "" } } ], version: "2.11.10" } }); // ... save-buttons stuff </script>

We should provide a mechanism for showing saved data by our Tool. It is quite simple: data will be passed to the class's constructor, so we can save it at the property, for example and access later by any method, including render:

class SimpleImage { // ... toolbox static getter constructor({data}){ = data; } render(){ const input = document.createElement('input'); input.value = && ? : ''; return input; } // ... save method }

If you open the example.html, you will see our Image Block after Editor initialization. The saved URL will be set at the input of the Block.

Before we go further, let's improve our UI: add a wrapper and some CSS styles.

We will create a wrapper where all Tool's elements will be placed, add a placeholder and CSS class for Tool. Don't forget to modify the save method: Block content will be a wrapper instead of input, so we need to get an input by ourselves. Now our class looks like this.

class SimpleImage { static get toolbox() { return { title: 'Image', icon: '<svg width="17" height="15" viewBox="0 0 336 276" xmlns=""><path d="M291 150V79c0-19-15-34-34-34H79c-19 0-34 15-34 34v42l67-44 81 72 56-29 42 30zm0 52l-43-30-56 30-81-67-66 39v23c0 19 15 34 34 34h178c17 0 31-13 34-29zM79 0h178c44 0 79 35 79 79v118c0 44-35 79-79 79H79c-44 0-79-35-79-79V79C0 35 35 0 79 0z"/></svg>' }; } constructor({data}){ = data; } render(){ const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); const input = document.createElement('input'); wrapper.classList.add('simple-image'); wrapper.appendChild(input); input.placeholder = 'Paste an image URL...'; input.value = && ? : ''; return wrapper; } save(blockContent){ const input = blockContent.querySelector('input'); return { url: input.value } } }
We've just hardcoded the placeholder text. It's better to wrap it with the t() of the I18nAPI method to allow users of your tool to localize the UI.

In the simple-image.css we can add some styles:

.simple-image { padding: 20px 0; } .simple-image input { width: 100%; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #e4e4e4; border-radius: 3px; outline: none; font-size: 14px; }

And the final result from this point is the Editor that shows filled Block.

Saved data is visible in input. In empty block we can see a placeholder.
Saved data is visible in input. In empty block we can see a placeholder.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to validate Block data on saving. That will allow Editor to skip empty Blocks in output JSON.